Yellowstone National Park is Awesome! USA

I love traveling the world, including the United States. Living out west was one of the best times we ever had. We were young, camped everywhere, ate a lot of beans and once got woke up in the early morning by having a cow sneeze on our tent. Chris and I had a 1997 Saturn station wagon and we would load that thing up and head off on roads trips all over the place – Bryce, Zion and this week is a look at Yellowstone National Park. Oh my gosh, if you have never been, I hope you get a chance to go. Prior to visiting the park, I had no idea how many unique ecosystems existed on this small bit of map.

geyser in yellowstone

In Yellowstone, things blow up all the time. All around you. At random times and some repetitively that are timed down to almost the minute.

thermals in yellowstone

Viewing the surfaces here had me feel like I was on another planet, yet moose, grizzly and elk might be running in the woods just a mile from a spot like this.

yellowstone national park

And wondering how all these vibrant colors are formed?

Please check out this weeks post on the We Said Go Travel site:

Yellowstone National Park, Adventure Awaits


6 Responses to “Yellowstone National Park is Awesome! USA

  • Nice post on the We Said Go Travel site! Going through Yellowstone must have been fantastic!

    • Yellowstone was fantastic. We spent about a week there and barely touched the surface (no pun intended!) I would go back over and over to this park.

  • Nice post. Beautiful pictures. Oh boy. I can’t wait, I must go onto the We said Go Travel site and check out how they are formed. I can’t wait. I can’t wait. I can’t wwwwaaaaaaiiiiiitttttt……

    • Thanks. I am only just beginning to understand how cool Yellowstone is. There is so much history to that park!

  • Wonderful pics! You really captured the “essence” of this great park. I really would like to revisit the West! Thanks to you!

    • Oh boy would I love to revisit the west too! So many amazing parks out there and they fill my day dreams of living out of a van again.

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