Bus to Cusco, Peru
Buenos Dias de Peru!
Since our arrival in Peru we have:
- slept 14 hours straight
- ate the best mangos ever
- took a 20 hour bus ride
- needed to rest walking up 20 steps because of high altitude
Caught up on sleep, eating good food, and taking a bus to a Peruvian mountain town, it now feels like we are traveling in Peru.

Leaving Lima behind, this was the view from our daily walk around Miraflores.

The Cruz del Sur bus terminal.

This place was tight and efficient on security. In the photo, you can see the red fence that went all around the station. It was designed as a circle so buses can pull in one side through a gate and out the other side. Meanwhile, all the passengers go through a central check point and are inside with nice, clean facilities. We even watched them breath testing the drivers and aside from having your passport info, before the bus departs they take a video picture of everyone on board, including the staff and driver.

Leaving the city behind, we drove for approximately sixty kilometers past these barren, dusty towns without one visible leaf of green in them.

We really wish we could have know what all these people did living here and especially, how did they access water. It was completely sand and rock.

A photo from inside the bus of one of the toll booths we went through.

Then, tired from a winding 20 hour bus ride, we finally arrived to Cusco, Peru. At an altitude of 11,200 feet, this high altitude Andean mountain town is a often a base for travelers to explore the region.

Walking around the narrow, brick laid streets.

These kids seemed to be enjoying their candy so much and they let us take their picture.

And lastly, one of my favorite photos, mannequin on the balcony. Who know’s the reasoning behind placing this mannequin out there like this, but we thought it was the best thing ever.
After a few days of exploring the streets of Cusco and finding mannequins on balconies, we are about to head off on a four day hike of the Inca Trail. We will store all our extra luggage at our guest house and go off trekking into the Andes. After the trek we will return to Cusco to finish exploring the city and surroundings.
We have seen images of Machu Picchu for years and now our time has come to walk in the foot steps of the Incas. Machu Picchu – here we come.
WOW! Into the Andes to explore the ancient Incas! That should be breathtaking even without the high altitude.
We were a little nervous about the Inca Trail, because no matter how fit you are, if you’re not used to living at high altitudes, there’s just no way around it, you are going to feel the elevation. Slow and steady is the key.
Looks so much fun! It’s great you are back exploring again!
Well, it’s fun now that the bus ride is over! Looking forward to some shorter bus rides throughout the country next.