The Connections Travel can Create

Hey Everyone!

We are wrapping up our time in Borneo. I cannot believe we have spent just over 2 months traveling throughout this land!!! What a dream!

We’ve seen pigmy elephants, orangutans, multiple species of monkeys, reptiles and so much more! This week I wanted to share with you this guest post I wrote for this awesome couple I met from Vermont. Our last night in Sanur, Indonesia, we were staying at Hotel Sanur Indah.

Hotel Sanur Indah Indonesia (1 of 1)

We got a great deal on this place booking through Agoda.

Hotel Sanur Indah Indonesia garden (1 of 1)

I just loved the Balinese decor, live plants and running water. We wanted to stay one more night but it was full, so we had to move to this other guest house, which didn’t include breakfast so got breakfast here:

Breakfast in Indonesia (1 of 1)

I loved the bright, airy restaurant.

Breakfast window Indonesia (1 of 1)

Doesn’t Chris just look so happy smiling out that window?

While eating breakfast, I noticed a guy wearing a Hill Farmstead t-shirt across the restaurant. If you don’t know about Hill Farmstead Brewery and you enjoy good the best beer, you are missing out! Plan yourself a road trip to Vermont asap because this is one of the best breweries in America. Seeing the shirt and being such the Vermont lover that I am, I went over to talk to them and find out what they were up to.

Turns out to be a lot! Kristin and Nick were currently spending some time with their family, but then they also casually replied that they had started this business idea called YonderWork, a site for remote workers to connect together while working around the world. You can go to their website to check it all out and learn more if you are interested. For me, I couldn’t believe this awesome connection we had just made to a younger couple similar to ourselves, heading out into the world, looking for and creating ways to follow their dreams. For me, one of the things I love most about travel is the awesome and inspiring people it brings into my life. You can keep an eye out too for Kristin’s “My Story” to be coming up soon! 🙂

In the mean time, I hope you will check out this guest post I wrote for their site: The Perfect Place for Digital Nomads to Unplug: Borneo, Malaysia. If you ever go to Sarawak, Malaysia, these five parks will give you an awesome sampling of the variety of forests and wildlife throughout Borneo.

Borneo Image

I love browsing inspirational travel quote images and I thought this was so fitting. If it is on your dream list, I hope you get a chance to go to Borneo and in the meantime, (while you’re planning! 🙂 ) you can check out this post:

The Perfect Place for Digital Nomads to Unplug: Borneo, Malaysia


Also, if you haven’t done so yet, don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter. (I am a little behind in getting Augusts sent out so you still have time to catch it!)

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*Announcement! We’re starting a new series on the site called My Story. What kind of traveler are you? How long have you been traveling? Do you maximize your vacations? Have you been able to take time off work? We want to hear from you and share your story! Please email: for more details. 🙂 

** Plan on traveling soon or making a purchase from Amazon? Please consider using the links on our resource page. At no cost difference to you we will earn a small commission to help keep this site running. Thank you so much for this thoughtful gesture. 


What's one place that is your dream destination to explore?



7 Responses to “The Connections Travel can Create

  • Nice read about your wrapping it up in Borneo and GREAT post for Nomads to Unplug: Borneo, Malaysia.

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      We felt good about all the time we spent in Borneo. Still can’t believe we met Kristin and Nick over a VT t-shirt! You just never know who you are gonna meet on the road! 🙂

  • It’s a small world after all! (Disney song) what’s the odds of meeting someone from VT,
    and brew the best beer!! LOL So delighted for you and I am looking forward to Kristin and Nicks story.
    Bye Borneo, hello “what’s next”

  • Najwa Adha
    9 years ago

    Hello, it’s Najwa! It was great meeting you guys at Masjid Selat Melaka. :)) I really like your posts, it was so inspiring to read them. Wish to travel the world like you guys someday, ((btw you guys are cute :D))

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Hi Najwa! WOW – this was so quick! Thanks for the comment!!! It was so great to meet you and your friends today. I really enjoyed chatting with you all and thanks for sharing some of your insights. At least you were traveling today to a new place and exploring for school! We traveled almost completely in our home country for about five years and slept on the floor until we paid off all our university loans so we could be become debt free. If there is any tips we can share with you, let us know! So great to have met you earlier!!! 🙂

  • Hi Tiffany,

    Borneo! Brilliant! And Sanur is where our trip began over 5 years ago. We booked our stay at the Abian Kokoro – spelling way off LOL – 2 blocks from the beach. After a few weeks we headed to Phuket and never looked back. Sanur was my first taste of traveling and Bali; holds a place in my heart. Where my journey started, really. Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane 🙂

    Ryan Biddulph recently posted…Are You Excited to Build a Rabidly Loyal Blog Community?My Profile

    • tiffany
      8 years ago

      Hey Ryan! Thanks so much for sharing this memory! That is pretty cool to think Sanur was where it all started for you. Not a bad place to do so! You site is always an inspiration to keep going and pursue ones dreams! Nice to see you getting some recognition for all your work and bringing it full circle back to the connections travel can make! Best, Tiff

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