I had a post all about our trip to Costa Rica lined up for this week
Then I went and threw dish towels over my head by a pond and I had to change this week’s post entirely. Why? Simply because it was good old plain fun.
I think good fun sometimes get’s over looked in our world of hand held devices and internet 24/7. The ability to just be goofy is one of life’s greatest pleasures. To be able to take any sort of random circumstances and create an opportunity to laugh together and play are important aspects to a healthy lifestyle. In the world around me I see more and more self absorption as people dive into their hand held devices. There is a whole world happening around us, it’s up to us if we choose to be active in it.
In my world, currently at Seyon Lodge, our full team is coming to the end as people start going back to school. As such we’ve been having some fun taking a series of end-of-season photo shoots.
So, for your viewing pleasure, here is a series of shots of Team Seyon having just good plain ‘ol fun.
Here we are at the start jumping for joy.
Here is the best we could do with photo shop to include everyone (which is still missing Big Adam).
I took all sorts of photos of Mayo and Jack when setting up the above shot we had to photo shop.
This is them doing spirit fingers.
The fact they didn’t outright refuse to do spirit fingers says how much they like us.
Then the race was on.
We had one down teammate pretty quickly.
But luckily Lil’ Adam was soon up and going again.

However, that field is not as flat nor easy to run across as it might seem and he went down again.
Everyone seemed to think this was hilarious.
There was after all incentive to try and be the first one – to the porta potty.
But no one used the porta potty and we all went to sit on the wall and get our photo taken
like when you are in first grade and they barely have you smile.
Chris was trying to give out hugs.
And Stella and Donna decided to exercise.
But really we just wanted to sit on the wall and keep taking cute pictures.
Here we are all together in a boat.
This is our classic Seyon Wave.
We later found out the photographer creeping on us.
The team seemed to have no faith in me and Adam.
Then we readied our dish towels.
Then with a flick of the wrist we flung them into the sky.
It was like graduation – only better.
But we did have to rewash everything.
We were little peasant towel wearers.
Team Seyon.
With this traveling life, we never know what we will be doing. Two years ago I wouldn’t have thought I’d live in a parking lot for three months in Port Hedland, Australia, and if you asked me a year ago if I’d be standing down by a pond tossing dish towels over my head, my answer would probably have been, “No.”
Whether you’ve traveled 5000 miles or 500 feet down to the pond in your own back yard, travel, opportunities, creativity, positive environments and friendships are there to be formed. It’s up to you if you chose to be part of the crowd that can have fun tossing dish towels into the air — it’s just not the same when an app does it for you.
And if you’re asking yourself why you might want to ever do something like throw dish towels over your head, all the reason you need is, because it was just good ‘ol plain fun.
***For the record, despite Little Adam falling onto
the floor while getting eggs out of the refrigerator,
the falls on the grassy field were for comedic value.***
Just FILLED with end of the season silliness! I’ll bet this crew has ‘never had too much fun’.
Oh fun we did have.
It really is amazing the connections you can meet with others at various times through out your life. These connections are the moments you will remember forever!
It’s crazy how life occurrences bring it all together. And who knew working in that cafe in the middle of no where in Australia would have helped us out so much now!