A New Year and A New Site Announcement!
Hi Everyone!
Some exciting and long coming news – we are launching a new site!
Yep, you read it right. Years have gone by since we bought this domain name and had this idea. We feel one of our biggest interests is photographing wildlife. We wanted a more niche site to share that with and at the same time people have been encouraging us for ages to have a place to sell our photos.
We are so pleased to announce the beginnings of: The Travel Rangers
This idea was formed while having coffee with friends in Chile. The four of us had just finished hiking the 10 day Torres del Paine loop and were back in town sharing stories of our lives. As we told them how we work in VT State Parks, were wilderness therapy instructors in the Utah desert for eight day shifts and a smattering of other experiences, they were like, ‘Oh you are The Travel Rangers.’
You can read more about the back story here and how I literally woke up at 2 am to buy the domain name somewhere back in 2015 I think.
We are not getting rid of Vagabond Way. If anything we hope by having a more niche site for wildlife it will also help to make Vagabond Way stronger too.
We’ll see. We feel like we are on this journey together with you. Please feel free to let us know your thoughts, impressions and what you think. And if you see any mistakes, oh my goodness – please tell me that too!
I’m still working out how to best execute the socials for each site. I am roughly thinking I will share a photo every other day or so. (With the exception of when the schedule gets really busy or we’re out in a research station!) 😉 One day Vagabond Way and the next would be Travel Rangers.
With that I hope you each will join us as being some of the first followers to those social media accounts. Here’s all the links for easy clicking:
We’ll also being writing a monthly newsletter separate from Vagabond Way and you can sign up here.
Am I nervous about telling you this? Heck yes!
I am worried about all sorts of things like will I actually be able to do a better job by breaking down the contents into two sites? How will the reaction go to Vagabond Way? Will I be able to foster a similar sense of community on Travel Rangers as we have on Vagabond?
The bottom line is sometimes we just have to try new things. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I could easily sit here and tinker for months more before publicly announcing the site to the world.
I sometimes chuckle to myself because people will so often comment about some of the physical things we do as being so brave, adventurous or extreme. Swimming with sharks, hiking up a volcano, going to super remote communities on tiny island in the middle of the Pacific to name a few.
Yet hitting the publish or send button is usually the most scary and anxiety inducing thing that I do. It’s certainly gotten easier the more and more I do it. But the feelings of self-doubt, anxiety and such are always there. I’ve just gotten better at telling them to be quiet.
And let me tell you, at least for me, some of the mistakes, errors or oppsi’s I’ve publicly made have been the source of some of my greatest lessons and subsequent movements forward.
As Seth Godin said, “Hard work is about risk. It begins when you deal with the things that you’d rather not deal with: fear of failure, fear of standing out, fear of rejection. Hard work is about training yourself to leap over this barrier, drive through the other barrier. And after you’ve done that, to do it again the next day.” He also said, “If it scares you it’s probably a good idea to try.”
I hope we live by example and encourage others to go after the things they want in life. To take the human attributes of strength, wisdom, growth, opportunity, kindness, compassion, planning, reading, independent thinking, active measures to attain your own best health, day dreaming and go at those full steam to create the best version of yourself possible.
With that, welcome to the official launch and announcement of Travel Rangers.
We hope to see you there.

Look how happy Chris is. He’s ready to show you awesome wildlife photography over at Travel Rangers. Come and join us there too! 🙂
Sneak Peak:
Any idea what this animal is? Yeah, we didn’t really know either. But you can click here and find out by reading all about our week out at the Las Guacamayas Biological Research Station! 🙂
Doing a little more planning?
The gear listed in this post is the same exact gear we use to travel the world or our back yard.
These booking resources are the same exact ones we use to find deals and acquire points for more travel.
I will never recommend to get a credit card unless you are 100% solid to pay it off in full every month. If you will and are going to be making some big purchases, this Chase card is the same exact card we use and it offers great travel points and perks.
Finally, if you have not used AirBnB before, use this special link to sign up and get $40 off your first booking.
Hello “strangers!!” LOL A long read but spellbound through it. The pic of strange critter
was a “must” and that is what I call success!! So keep on trucking on…till next post.
Hello! Indeed – sighting of strange critter was awesome! Many of the staff had not seen one in real life. Yep, keep on trucking – here we go! 🙂
WOW! Your Travel Rangers site is NICE and easy to get around. Great photos!
Thanks so much! I hope so – after knowing a bit more now of how to make a site I hope to make both sites better. 🙂 Thanks for checking it out.