New Year Wisdom

I’ve never been one to make New Year resolutions. The concept of using a new year to make a list of goals to either start or stop always gave me an overwhelming sense of dread. It would backfire terribly. I would feel so overwhelmed by everything on the list, I would in turn do nothing. 

Instead, my resolution became to seize the day, everyday. If there is an issue that comes to my attention that I wish to address, I will attempt to address it in the present. Of course, as a stubborn Aries, the present means I will spend weeks, if not months, if not years, if not the rest of my life tweaking behaviours I wish to alter in myself. 

I suppose it’s a good thing I am an optimist. That gives me the drive to not give up. That said, I am always on the lookout for inspiration to help me along my path of life. 

Looking back on the past two years of living abroad, I’ve had many signs come to me to help guide me along this path. Here is some of the wisdom and humour that has been shown to me. Feel free to share any wisdom and wit you may have encountered on your 2012 journey in the comments section as well!! 

To all of us as we step into 2013, I’m so glad the world didn’t end in 2012. 

Whatever your style may be, let’s have a toast to the New Year. 

But let’s not get to carried away with the partying. If you need help staying on the straight and narrow, there’s a road to help with that. 

Speaking of roads, stay on the right side. Crap. No wait, I mean the left side, but technically that is the right side of the road. 

Remember to use items for their proper intention. 

This year keep finding ways to express issues that are important to you. We need people to speak up for what they believe in… 

…As others have exemplified before you. Polly Thwaites played a critical role in saving a long term habitat for little blue penguins. Without her voice this habitat would not exist today. 

Also, don’t wait to the last minute to use the bathroom. You never know when it could be more complicated than you originally thought. 

None of us know exactly what the future holds, however we can take what is in our control and try to be prepared for what lies ahead. 

And if you do find yourself feeling a bit lost-

You’re not the only one…

(This was indeed a legitimate sign!)

For any of the new parents out there-

For that matter, we can all use a little safety reminder. 

Keep your morals to a high standard.

So as we head into a new year together, we all can try to-

Or else…

Sh*t on You

To all of us:   

!!!~ Happy New~!!!

~Very Best Wishes~


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