Our Next Travel Adventure!

Oh my goodness, what a whirlwind these past few weeks have been. We are transitioning, preparing and many people have been asking what our next travel adventure will be.

We have bought one way plane tickets to Southeast Asia!

Our travel adventure will start with Indonesia. We have been to a few Indonesian islands before, but this time we really want to check out the Komodo dragon island region. From there we will continue working our way north through Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, maybe make our way to India in the late fall. We don’t really know, exactly. All we know is we have our first four nights of accommodation figured out and we feel pretty good about that.  Haha!

On one hand this does seem like one, big, grand travel adventure, which it is. I think that is largely what life is, one big, grand adventure, full of unknowns, fears, excitements, up and downs. This is a chance to explore blogging and freelance work full time. Largely, we feel like the sacrifices and saving we have done over the past couple of years are buying us time to explore our creativity.

Before I even knew who Tim Ferriss was, I read a quote by him, “Someday is a word that will take your dreams to the grave with you.” I thought, ‘Oh wow, that is a great quote,’ and I wrote it down and put it on my wall. Since reading that quote years ago, I have read and researched so many other masters and creators of lifestyle design. I have come to observe and learn a lot from others who are designing their lives. There certainly is no one path we have to follow.

So here we go to explore another way to live and how you can come along with us and a few other mentions of where we have been in the print.

First, if you are reading this as a regular follower, thank you, thank you, thank you so much. You are awesome! 🙂

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Chris with Lamb for travel adventure

If you would sign up, that would be so sweet! Sweet just like Chris holding this baby lamb named Curly. 🙂


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Horsing in Cananda for travel adventure

Fire wanted to make sure I got a good pic of him for the instagram page.

We hope to have lots of cool pics of dragons, landscapes, oceans, food, jungles and whatever else we happen to find. This is not the first time we have bought one way plane tickets across the ocean. We bought one way tickets when we moved to New Zealand and Australia. There is something so freeing about buying a one way plane ticket. Don’t get me wrong, I still share many of the fears people ask of us like, ‘Aren’t you afraid of the unknown?’ or ‘But what if it doesn’t go well?’ or ‘What if you get sick?’ To which I usually respond, ‘All those same fears can still happen to me here.’ We’re still young(ish) and healthy, so we better go now.

Related to travel and Southeast Asia, a little while ago we were a part of this post with 58 travel bloggers who shared their favorite beaches. So if you are looking to plan a beach trip, I know we certainly got some good recommendations from this list! (It’s in alphabetical order, so scroll to the bottom if you are curious for our suggestions.)


We were also part of The Lux Pad list of Ultimate Travel Destinations: Top Pick from Travel Bloggers. There were also a ton of a great places to go in this list. Makes us even more excited to be getting back on the road soon.


We loved our time in Africa and particularly South Africa was so easy to travel through. We’d go back in the blink of an eye. This shot above swallows up a herd of migrating elephants in Kruger National Park. Can you spot them?

Right now we are spending some time with both our families, researching things for the trip and enjoying our own back yard.

Travel Adventure in Canada

Oh Canada, you are so beautiful!

Trail Bend of travel adventure

We are not sure exactly sure what is around the next bend for us, but we are excited to have the opportunity to find out. Thanks for coming along.

See you on the road!

Tiff and Chris


*Announcement! We’re starting a new series on the site called My Story. What kind of traveler are you? How long have you been traveling? Do you maximize your vacations? Have you been able to take time off work? We want to hear from you and share your story! Please email: tiffany@vagabondway.net for more details. 🙂 

** Plan on traveling soon or making a purchase from Amazon? Please consider using the links on our resource page. At no cost difference to you we will earn a small commission to help keep this site running. Thank you so much for this thoughtful gesture. 


Also if you are looking for some further inspiration, please check out by some of our fellow travel bloggers: Making Dreams come True and How to Find your Passion.


8 Responses to “Our Next Travel Adventure!

  • WOW! Another halfway around the world adventure! Travel safe and post stories ad photos…

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Yep, if we’re going across an ocean we want to stay there a while! We’ve just been waiting to really have a chance to explore Southeast Asia. We went for six weeks before when we had to leave Australia to renew a visa and also miss the peak “hot” season. We can’t wait to be able to really dive in and check things out! 🙂

  • Christne
    9 years ago

    We look forward to going on this journey with you vicariously. Looking forward to more great posts and pictures.

  • What I like/appreciate is that you are both such good role models not only in representing the U.S but what positive , hard working, and goal oriented couples can achieve! Nice going…no pun intended LOL

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Thanks so much! We just try to be positive stewards wherever we go. Who knows what will happen next! 🙂

  • Can’t wait for you to share you travel adventures with us on this one! Another continent… Another adventure! 🙂

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Thanks! Us neither. Southeast Asia here we go!!! 🙂 Thanks for coming along.

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