Safari in Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania

Our three month trip to Africa has still been, hands down one of the coolest trips we have ever gone on. For all the “scary” reasons not to go to Africa, there are so many more awesome and better reasons to go. One of those being the Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania.

If you have not yet heard of the Ngorongoro Crater, don’t worry, I hadn’t either until I went. After going and driving down into its depths, I’m like – how can every person in the whole world not know how cool this is!!! The Ngorongoro Crater is adjacent to the Serengeti in Tanzania. They are both UNESCO World Heritage Areas and are home to some spectacular wildlife.

entrance to Ngorongoro Crater

If you go to Ngorongoro Crater, everyone has to stop at the entrance to get their entry fee and permits in order.

Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania Vagabond Way

If you need to use the bathroom, follow the signs.

Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania Vagabond Way

This photo is atop the crater looking down in. It was so windy and cold on top the day we were there! My friend took this picture of us, looked at me and said, ‘Oh my gosh Tiff, you look so cold and miserable, I have to take another.” I used this picture anyway to indicate just how cold and windy it was on the rim.

Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania Vagabond Way

But down below, oh my gosh was this world of green. I just couldn’t believe we were driving around in this.

Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania Vagabond Way

The early morning air still had a bit of briskness to it as we drove around the bottom of the crater looking for wildlife.

Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania Vagabond Way

To me, there was such vastness was beauty – and – relief I didn’t have to remember how to drive out of there!

Zebras in Ngorongoro

Down in the Ngorongoro Crater was a remarkable amount of wildlife. I wrote a post showcasing some of the animals we saw on the We Said Go Travel website which you can read here.

Vagabondway at Serengeti

As we left Ngorongo Crater Tanzania we crossed into Serengeti. Traveling through southern Africa was one of the best trips we have ever done. Learning and experiencing the Ngorongo Crater is a prime example of  one of the reasons I love to travel so much. I could spend my whole life reading books and watching documentaries on a place, but to put myself out there and dig my toes into the dirt, that is how I learn about a place. For me, I don’t feel I have to know about all the awesome places a country might have before I leave home. Most of the time, life on the road has a way of giving us the best education there is.

I hope you get a chance to experience something awesome yourself and for more wildlife photos please check out this post:

Amazing Safari at Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania


If you go:

This trip was part of an overland trip we took with Intrepid Travel. Particularly for travel in Africa, we were so pleased with our choice to travel with Intrepid. They were awesome! We were pleasantly surprised with their commitment to environmental standards and also support of the local communities we traveled through. If you are even debating on a trip to Africa, check out Intrepid Travel and just go!!!


Announcement! We’re starting a new series on the site called My Story. What kind of traveler are you? How long have you been traveling? Do you maximize your vacations? Have you been able to take time off work? We want to hear from you and share your story! Please email: for more details. 🙂 

** Plan on traveling soon or making a purchase from Amazon? Please consider using the links on our resource page. At no cost difference to you we will earn a small commission to help keep this site running. Thank you so much for this thoughtful gesture. 

Need a little more planning?

The gear listed in this post is the same exact gear we use to travel the world or our back yard.
These same booking resources are the same exact ones we use to find deals and acquire points for more travel.
I will never recommend to get a credit card unless you are 100% solid to pay it off in full every month. If you will and are going to be making some big purchases, this Chase card is the same exact card we use and it offers great travel points and perks.
Finally, if you have not used AirBnB before, use this special link to sign up and get $40 off your first booking.


17 Responses to “Safari in Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania

  • That is a great look at this crater and so nice to see some of the inner workings there. Your zebra almost looks like a ‘push-me-pull-me’.

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Yeah, it was pretty spectacular. The zebras stand like that on purpose. It’s a way of confusing predators. By doing so predators may be less likely to attack because they won’t know which end to go for.

  • I liked learning about zebras and how they confuse predators! Did the guide tell you that?
    Glad you are digging your toes in the sand now! LOL

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Thanks – us too! 🙂 Yes, our guides did tell us that and that was one of the reason having local guides made the trip so awesome. People were just to passionate to tell us about their countries, towns and wildlife. We are enjoying the sand in Asia now. 🙂

  • Tanzania is such a dream destination for animal lovers! seeing Zebra in real life is one of my biggest goals for next year!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Mahmoud recently posted…Luxor, Egypt’s Greatest Ancient CityMy Profile

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Thank you Mahmoud! Let me know when you do see a zebra in the wild! Would love to share! 🙂

  • Great photos! How interesting about the zebras. Thanks for sharing! (Also there is a comment on here you did not respond to. Just thought you should know cause I know you respond to everyone 🙂 love you!)

  • Love your photos, especially the one of the zebras. Looks like an awesome trip.

    You never imagine it’ll be cold in Africa – I think I would’ve looked equally miserable!

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Thanks Kat! Oh…there were some places in Africa it was cold. The wind at the top of that crater was just SO cold! Then at the bottom SO hot. That was pretty much Africa in a nutshell. 🙂

  • This is great! These animals and landscapes are incredible! I dream to visit Tanzania one day! Thanks for sharing #FlyAwayFriday
    Anna recently posted…7 Travel Quotes Only Globetrotters Would UnderstandMy Profile

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Thank you Anna! Oh going to Tanzania and the Serengeti was such a dream. I just wish it for anyone who wants to have that. It was so much easier than I thought and so glad we did it! Nice to connect with you #flyawayfriday! 🙂

  • Awesome post, the greenery in the crater is so beautiful!
    Natalie recently posted…Comment on How The F*@# Do Greek Ferries Work? by A Quick Guide to Milos – Nattie on the RoadMy Profile

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      I couldn’t believe how green it was down there! Thanks Natalie! #flyawayfriday

  • Such an incredible trip!! I’m dying to go to Africa and do a safari. It looks absolutely incredible and definitely book marking this for when I make my way there. Thank you for sharing on #FlyAwayFriday!

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Thanks Chloe! The Africa trip was one of the easiest and best trips we ever did! I am so glad we saved up and did it! Let us know when you get to go!!! 🙂 #flyawayfriday

  • Wow what a cool trip! My favorite professor from college always raved about the Serengeti park so it was fun seeing your pictures! I’ll have to make it out there someday! Thanks for sharing and joining #FlyAwayFriday!
    Kana recently posted…Featured Friends: Mara from Vacations With MomMy Profile

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      After being there, I couldn’t stop raving about Africa either. I think it’s a common reaction to people first time to Africa. 🙂 Thanks for the comment! 🙂 #flyawayfriday

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