One of those Weeks….

Oh no! The days have been cruising by this last week. Plain and simple, it’s been one of those weeks. I spent some time with the family, I am working on a handful of next articles and we have had a lot of lodge guests to look after. I am just not where I hoped to be this week. So instead I present you with a blast from the past post from us and some other inspiring travelers posts out on the web this week. There are so many people out there to gain inspiration from. Here are a couple of my favorite reads this week:

Sad Tiff Backpacking

If you are planning out some fall adventures and you missed it, this post will cover what to eat.

Twenty20 / Vruln

Here is also a great article written by one of my favorite bloggers about The Most Important Thing to do when Traveling.

Now this guy is right up our alley. Meet Bruno who lives out of his car.



Or check out this couple who scrubs toilets to get by. A great article showing some of the day to day actions travelers take to continue their passion for staying on the road.

seyon sunset

Ok, so although I try to always keep a couple of posts ahead, there has just been a lot of juggling lately. And slight confession, I may have been a little distracted watching Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ new music video. ย I hope wherever you are you too have been able to enjoy some beautiful sunsets and glorious days.ย We should be back to our regular posting next week! ๐Ÿ™‚



6 Responses to “One of those Weeks….

  • You must be VERY busy being an Inn Keeper this time of year and being in Vermont it should only get busier with fall foliage season approaching. I’m happy you’re able to keep up with your post so I can have my weekly travel adventure!

    • It was a busy week! But we got out to see some cool things, like a summer time circus performance at Bread and Puppet, so that was still one big goal completed!

  • Great pictures and cool story ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thank you for sharing

    Sri and Kian

  • One of those weeks? What?!? It was an amazing week spent with family with picnics and presents and gifts and picnics and hiking and picnics and fun and did I mention picnics?

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Oh yes – that’s what I am saying. I had so many picnics I ran out of time to write a post! It was a great week, but it was one of those weeks where I prioritized having picnics with family instead of finishing my post. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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