Spring Time in Vermont

Oh the spring time, the spring time, it is passing so fast. June 21st has brought us into the summer solstice, although with Vermont weather, it does not really feel like that. Sitting down at the pond a few nights ago, a hoodie was not enough and I had to come back to the lodge to get another jacket.

Spring Time Vagabond Way

But in the spring time there are a few lovely things that one can see only for a short while…

Spring Time Vagabond Way

…like these lovely lady slippers.

Spring Time Vagabond Way

Part of the orchid family, this flower is typically only found to flower until July.

Spring Time Vagabond Way

And joining us again are our wonderful humming birds.

Spring Time Vagabond Way

So far at the feeders we have been able to count at least 24 different birds!

Spring Time Vagabond Way

I thought this was a pretty neat shot with her eye closed. For a reminder of how awesome these fierce little birds are, you can read the post I wrote last year, The Amazing Ruby Throated Hummingbird.

Spring Time Vagabond Way

 Making an appearance is also this cool humming bird moth.

Spring Time Vagabond Way

Humming bird moths are often mistaken either for humming birds or big bees. They can remain suspended in air, just like humming birds, sipping nectar from flowers with their long tongues. This one keeps hanging around outside the lodge fueling up on nectar on some flowers some lodge guests donated to the park.

Spring Time Vagabond Way

Emerging from their burrows the toads have returned to the Seyon window wells too. If you are wondering about the bumpy creatures, you can check out the article I wrote last fall for Northern Woodlands talking about our little toad friends.

And although this story and video above is from National Geographic, wow, don’t mess with bunny rabbits.

Spring Time Vagabond Way

You know how much we love our Seyon bunnies!

And that has been spring. Hope you are able to create some opportunities to get out and watch as the seasons transition!



6 Responses to “Spring Time in Vermont

  • A nice look at the end of spring with some thoughtful links! Wow, what a tough bunny! You’re very lucky to have the Lady Slippers and the Hummingbird Moth along with all the rest.

    • Yeah, isn’t that bunny amazing! Wow. I didn’t know they would do that. I would not have wanted to have been that rat snake. And the humming bird moths, what good luck! They just happen to be hanging around the lodge and trying to take opportunities to photograph them because they are always moving!

  • mary soukup
    10 years ago

    Wow! That bunny from video sure has a spot in a Monty Python movie…..”.attack bunny”
    The hummingbird moth was a nice touch. Did not know there was such a creature.
    Beautiful pics

    • That sure was an attack bunny! The first time I saw the humming bird moth this season I did a double take as well, so pumped to have him hanging around the lodge!

  • Such loverly lady slippers. Reminds me of Cinderella. Nice photos!

    • They do look like Cinderella don’t they? I just thought they were so pretty! Thanks!

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