Stuff that comes from Dirt – Plant a Garden!

As I pondered what to write about this week, all that kept coming to mind was that stuff that comes out of the dirt…you know…food.
How does it happen that the tiniest of seeds can be placed in soil and next thing you know, edible food has emerged from the ground.
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This is rainbow swiss chard.
Each season the ground goes through it’s cycle resulting in soil that is ready to be worked again.
This is Kate working an area of soil for the first time in early spring.
Stella breaking down cardboard boxes to lay down in the isles.
We put the cardboard down and then cover the walkways with straw in the hopes of keeping weeds down.
Garden paths.
Adam and Donna going off to plant seeds in the squash patch.
The Groton Black Flies can be pretty brutal.
With smiling faces, luckily these guys got their bug nets out and got the garden planted.
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The bees love feeding off the flowers from the chives and pollinating our garden.
And the flowers make for great salad decoration.
This is me and Adam putting up a fence around the squash patch. We have lots of bunnies in the yard, which guests love, but also which eat our veggies, so no more bunnies in the squash patch.
Adam and the rest of the team did most of the work on the fence.
 It is awesome. I go out there in the evenings just to admire their handy work and give our corn, beans, lettuce, cucumbers, squash good growing energy.
Spring time is a busy time. Most people I know are so busy right now working in their gardens. I love gardening and every year, with wide eyed amazement I see first hand and learn new things about growing food.
If you have ever contemplated whether or not to grow a garden, this is the year to do. I love the photos of what your lawn has the potential to look like.
I think growing food is one of the purest things we can possibly do. If you’ve never had a garden and don’t know where to start, get a basil plant for your window. It’s beautiful. It’s fragrant. It will be wonderful.
That basil plant may just change your life.

6 Responses to “Stuff that comes from Dirt – Plant a Garden!

  • …there’s no better vegetables than the ones that come fresh from the garden! A lot of hard work but looks like you’re going to have a very ‘tasteful’ season…

  • Nice garden! Can’t wait to try it all! Yum yum eat em up!

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago

    WOW! Great lookin garden! Couldn’t be easy putting in while working with black flies (the nemesis of outdoor activities)

  • Oh those black flies can be brutal.