The Next Mountain Top

When I start out hiking a mountain, my goal is to make it to the top. There are points it becomes hard, I’m tired, sore and I would like to turn around and go back down because it is the easier choice. But without the push, I will never make it to the top to see the view.

Transferring this site over to a self hosted web site has been like hiking up a giant mountain. It’s been harder than I thought and there has definitely been many occasions I’ve wanted to turn around and keep everything the way it was. But without the push, I won’t achieve the reward of building and owning our site.

I’ve had some stumbles and reached out to receive help. Asking for and humbly receiving help has been one of my newest, favorite learned habits as I’ve entered my thirties. The more I read biographies and try to emulate successful people I see around me, the more I realize they have a network of support and they constantly work on the skill of seeking assistance from others when they need it. Asking for help has brought me down new roads and shown me sides and skills of people around me I would have never known otherwise.

So there are still some areas of the site that we are working on, but it’s getting there. Each climb only makes one stronger to tackle the next one. Whether I am tackling mountains or tackling how to install a comment form, there is but one goal: to always keep pushing forward – because there is always the next mountain top to reach.

Tiff at top of mountain in Parque Nacional Huerquehue

Tiff at top of a mountain in Parque Nacional Huerquehue.



6 Responses to “The Next Mountain Top

  • Breathtaking view! Awaiting the next adventure…

  • Beautiful peak! We all have peaks to reach and obstacles to get in our way where we have to figure a way around. But we should always be able to make it to the top

    • From this view point, we could see three volcanoes. Parque Huerquehue is very easy to access too.

  • Barnabas
    11 years ago

    Hiking up a mountain always reminds me of the time we hiked up the Waben Lake cliffs. Gordie, Stephen, I and Grandma drove over in the boat one time, I think we put the aluminum powerboat in the back of our pickup truck and drove it there…. Anyway, we got to the base of the cliffs, and grandma didn’t want to hike the cliffs so she just waited in the boat and as we climbed we echo’d back and forth with her “hooo hoooooo” as we climbed. Grandma sitting in the boat making her half loon, half owl cry and the rest of us scampering up the side of the cliff making our way to the scenic top. Now you are almost at the top too, listen for Grandma Greenlake’s loon call and keep climbing Tiff! xo

    • Thanks for sharing this story. It brings to mind the perfect image of Grandma Greenlake calling out like the loons. I am so fortunate to often hear loon calls on the pond, often in the early morning while I am still lying in bed. They are always a fond memory of Grandma Greenlake and there can hardly be a better way to be summoned to start the goals of the day. This was the boost I needed to move forward with a clear mind – thanks so much!

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