Through the Window in South America

During our four month trip in South America, we took a lot of bus rides. I wish I knew exactly hour many hours – cumulatively it was days worth of bus rides.  Most of them I didn’t mind. Bus rides were great for staring out the window and watching the scenery go by. I always had all these high ambitions for reading books or working on posts. Most of the time my eyes where glued to the window as I watched the world pass me by.


I started going through and writing the location of each picture, but that is not what window gazing is like. Window gazing is that wonderful time when you get to stare out the window and day dream. Day dream about all the cool things you want to do, wonder what’s over that mountain, ponder what was around the corner of the canyon and try to remember how many days you’ve been wearing your current socks.

So here’s a little different of a post. A handful of pictures you can scroll down, day dream and ponder for yourself. In a way taking a bus ride is a metaphor for life: the journey is a chance to enjoy and see the beauty of what’s in front of you – because you never know when the scenery might change quicker than you anticipated.

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With the exception of one picture with the bus in it, all these photos were taken from the window while riding around South America in buses.




















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Traveling through South America was one of the most beautiful places to take long bus rides. Peru was especially stunning. If you ever get a chance to go and ride around on some buses, do it, because, “Sometimes it’s not about the destination, but about the journey itself.” ~author unknown.

If you go:

Get yourself to South America and buy a bus ticket that takes you at least somewhere four hours away.

Sit back, look out the window and enjoy. 🙂


4 Responses to “Through the Window in South America

  • Beautiful series of photos! I smiled when half way through the trip you let us off the bus for a break and to look at souvenirs.

    • Although most buses had bathrooms on them, they would make regular stops to little places with bathrooms and people were almost always selling souvenirs and snacks. If nothing else the stops made for great chances to stretch ones legs.

  • Gorgeous pictures. There are always problems with trips. Sometimes it is those problems that make the best stories on trips. Like when we went to Canada and my tranny dropped. Haha

    • Thanks, I couldn’t believe how nice those views were. Riding around on buses was a great way to see the countries we traveled in.

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