Travel Around the World with a Ukulele

When my sister and I were young one word that our dad taught us how to spell was “ukulele.” We were so proud of this fact we would challenge anyone to a one word spelling bee of ukulele. Any other words, we probably would have gotten wrong, but ukulele we had down. I was also very good at spelling the word “vertebrate.” A lot of people, adults included, were not even sure what a ukulele was. This only made us beam brighter as we’d loudly profess, “It’s like a small guitar!” So when Colleen reached out with her guest post about how she travels the world with her ukulele, I thought it was perfect! I hope you enjoy this guest post by Colleen:


Around the World with a Ukulele

Only six months ago, I quit my job, sold everything except the clothes I could fit into my backpack and my ukulele. Traveling alone has had it’s ups and downs, but I’ve found that my ukulele has been my constant companion. My uke has been with me through a number of trying experiences, but also opened doors for me that I didn’t know existed. I’ve always been an avid guitar player, but decided to learn the ukulele when I knew I’d be backpacking.

Pak Han Foto _ Flickr ukulele player

First of all, a ukulele is compact and easy to fly with. A ukulele can count as a carry-on, which saves you money, especially when you’re traveling with budget airlines. I can store it in the overhead bin space, but I make sure to watch it closely. Stressed out travelers will try to jam stuff into the bin without really looking if items are already stored there. You can also slide it under the seat in front of you, or ask the flight crew to put it in their coat closet.

Colleen Kinsey _ Burg Eltz, Germany ukulele player

Toting a ukulele around Europe has been a great conversation starter. Music is a language that everyone speaks, no matter what country they are from. I’ve had many random strangers come up and ask what my instrument is. People will ask me to play, or want to sing along while I strum. I’ve even made new friends through my ukulele!

When I bring out my ukulele, I can feel the mood around me instantly lift. Once, I was at an airport and our flight was delayed. And I mean VERY delayed, about five hours. Everyone around me was grumpy and irritated that their vacation plans had been disrupted. I pulled out my uke and started strumming “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” I started to see some toe tappers, then a few people swaying their hips. A couple of kids came up and did some dancing. Pretty soon, the entire gate was enjoying themselves. I even received song requests!

I also use my ukulele to make friends when I’m staying at hostels, or camping. When you are looking for something to do, or someone to talk to and you hear a little music, your natural instinct is to see where it’s coming from. After a couple minutes, you’ll have a circle of new friends singing along and enjoying themselves.

Colleen Kinsey _ Portofino, Italy ukulele player

Some of the most stressful times I’ve had while traveling is when I’m short on cash. Having an instrument is an easy way to make a quick 20 Euros. I just open up my case on a busy corner and start strumming  a few fan favorites. If you find the right time of day and the right location, you can usually draw a pretty good crowd. I think the best part about having a ukulele, is that it’s not a common instrument. It attracts people, but also exudes the carefree, Hawaiian lifestyle, which is different than a guitar.

Lastly, I can use the strumming of my ukulele to help me relax. Sometimes I have those days where I’m stressed, or grumpy. I know that once I whip my uke out I’ll be in a better mood. It’s the cheapest form of therapy I could ever buy!

For me, my uke isn’t just a creative outlet. Though it isn’t a replacement for a travel companion, or a best friend, it does open doors to finding those people. Having my ukulele with me has taught me to put myself out there and be more open. Plus, I’ve made many  long-lasting friends over a good jam session!

Colleen Kinsey - Lake Bled, Slovenia ukulele player


Do you travel with an instrument? Have you ever sang songs in the airport while waiting for a flight?

Author Bio Colleen has a passion for guitars and ukuleles. She enjoys jamming, teaching, and getting others involved in music. Her website, Coustii, focuses specifically on guitars and ukes. Colleen loves to travel and uses her ukulele as a conversation starter on the road.


Announcement! We’re starting a new series on the site called My Story. What kind of traveler are you? How long have you been traveling? Do you maximize your vacations? Have you been able to take time off work? We want to hear from you and share your story! Please email: for more details. 🙂 

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11 Responses to “Travel Around the World with a Ukulele

  • Nice story of a helpful travel companion. I still can’t help but think of Tiny Tim whenever thinking of a ukulele.

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Oh I forgot all about Tiny Tim and the ukulele! I think it’s so cool when people travel with instruments. I will have to watch again and look for that scene with Tiny Tim. 🙂

  • What a great story. Ukulele is a great word to spell and even better to take across the world with you.

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Thanks Laura, I really liked Colleen’s story too. Smaller instruments are definitely easier to take traveling with you. I carry a kazoo, but I can’t say I play it too often. Have to keep the peace between me and the other guy. 😉

  • Hi, I think I am going to like these stories. I did so enjoy this one! Great exposure and
    a way to “spark” other adventures. Nice going. Have ukulele will travel!

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Thanks! This was actually a guest post and I am still collecting “My Story” submissions, but this did incorporate a great look into Colleen’s travel style. It would be great to be able to bust out the ukulele in Europe and get a bit more traveling cash.

  • My son who’s almost 18 months just loves his Ukulele. His uncle gave him one when he was six months old and he can’t put it down. I can see this happening in our future family trips or when he’s older and wants to go traveling on his own. We even have a case for it!

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Awesome Andrew! I love when we come across people traveling with instruments. It can just create such an awesome atmosphere out there. Would love to hear more about it when he goes!!! 🙂

  • I have bought myself the ukulele this year and I really liked it. For traveling, it’s much better than guitar because of its size and another reason why I bought myself ukulele is to make some money while traveling!
    Do you sing when strumming?

  • Nice post!
    A music instrument and a good book are always in my backpack…
    Thanks for sharing, all the best!
    James recently posted…4 Different Types of Ukeleles – Choose the Correct One!My Profile

  • Hi Tiffany,

    A great story about your traveling with Ukulele. I love to travel and much more used to play Ukulele. I talk about Ukulele tips whenever I get time. Hope you will like it!
    Md Yasin Arafat recently posted…Makala Ukulele: An Honest Makala Ukulele ReviewMy Profile

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