Sign Up for Vagabond Way Newsletter

Hey Everyone!

I hope this note finds you well wherever you happen to be out there. We are having a wonderful, sweaty time traveling around Borneo, Malaysia and are so thankful to be here.

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that in addition to posts, we also send out a monthly newsletter. I got some feedback there was some confusion on the difference between the newsletter, (or the fact that we write one,) the posts and how to sign up for each, so I just wanted to clarify that. 🙂 I pasted parts of the newsletter below just to give you an idea, but the format does look a bit different. The monthly newsletter is gives a broader overview of the month and other updates.

If you would like to sign up for the monthly newsletter, you can sign up below:

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When you sign up for either of these (and we hope you subscribe to both), you will get a verification email. Look for this because you HAVE to click to confirm you are in fact a real person and would like to receive these updates. 

If you have any other questions or feedback, always please feel free to get in touch with us at Thank you all so much for being a part of this growing site. In case you missed it, below is June’s Newsletter, which again, the formatting is a little different because I pasted it in. Enjoy and hope you’ve been having some great adventures yourself, no matter how ‘big or small’ they may be! 🙂


Goodbye June and Hello July!

We’ve had one month of travel down already, holy smokes! This month was all about getting into the swing of things, enjoying good food and let’s be real, getting used to the heat. Oh. my. goodness. We are young and healthy and after a Vermont winter, it really took a couple weeks before we could go walking without feeling like we were just going to keel over on the side of the road.

The majority of this month was spent in Indonesia. In recent times the Indonesian government has changed the visa regulations. When we first visited about five years ago, we had to pay $35 pp for a visa and got a stamp that took up an entire page of our passport. Now we have the option of a 30 day free visa and just a regular sized stamp, which is nice because that means our passport pages will last longer! But the point is, for Indonesia and all it’s islands and territory to cover, 30 days is not that long.

I love the culture in Indonesia. There is so much art, carvings, statues, temples and so on it’s a wonder there is anyone left to do the other jobs like work in cafes and grocery stores. Indonesia is such an awesome country to visit and we especially love Bali for it’s stunning art and culture.

We ended up living on a boat and then hanging out with some endangered komodo dragons, which has been a goal of ours for ages. We also got pleasantly stuck in island life, and by stuck I mean we just couldn’t bring ourselves to leave, Gili Trawangan off of Lombok. Also, in all honesty we have been swapping colds since our time here. Pretty much after each big travel day we’ve had, one of us got sick for two days and then the other one would get sick for two days. Nothing like crazy bad or anything, just sick. So that’s brought a lot of daily activities to simply strolling through town for healthy foods and juices – luckily southeast Asia has lots of dark leafy greens and soup!

vagabondway newsletter

Doesn’t ferry travel look dreamy? To a certain extent, it is. I love riding on ferries, staring out to the coastline and sea, writing, editing pictures, spotting dolphins and reading my book. But oh man, ferries are germy, or so it seems! We use a lot of hand sani on travel days, but germs still seem to find us. Oh well, so it goes on the road!


Once our 30 days was up in Indonesia we flew over to Brunei. Brunei is a small predominantly Muslim country in the middle of the island of Borneo tucked around Malaysia. We were there during Ramandan and when they said things close from noon to 2pm on Fridays, literally they mean everything closes. We didn’t quite realize this and missed our chance to buy water. Luckily a very nice man from the Radisson just gave us bottled water. Thank you man from Radisson! More to come on this later.

So now we are in Borneo Malaysia. This has been a dream to visit here and we are so thankful! We have a bunch of national parks we hope to visit, including the remote Mulu, which can only be reached by small plane. Hopefully internet will stay strong and we can continue our daily update photos on facebook,instagram, pinterest, twitter and google+. Except the first week of July we’ll be OFF line. We’ll be exploring parks in Borneo, Malaysia!

As always, thank you so very much for coming along on this journey with us! We love all your comments, likes and interactions. If you ever have any questions, suggestions or feedback, please get in touch! Alright, come on July and we’ll see you out there!

vagabondway newsletter

So friends, wherever you are reading this from, if you have any obstacles in front of you, remember to look at the big picture. There may be an easier way around them than you think. Just think of this bike blockaide photo – if you only look at the path directly in front of you, you will most certainly be held up. But if you look at the bigger picture, you can find a way around. Onwards and see you out there!


Thank you so much again for being a reader of this site!

Announcement! We’re starting a new series on the site called My Story. What kind of traveler are you? How long have you been traveling? Do you maximize your vacations? Have you been able to take time off work? We want to hear from you and share your story! Please email: for more details. 🙂 

** Plan on traveling soon or making a purchase from Amazon? Please consider using the links on our resource page. At no cost difference to you we will earn a small commission to help keep this site running. Thank you so much for this thoughtful gesture. 


4 Responses to “Sign Up for Vagabond Way Newsletter

  • This newsletter is a great go-with to your on-going adventure. I am sure I will enjoy it, thank you.

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      Thank you!!!! We are finally getting some of the goals we have had on our lists for, well really you could say years, accomplished or at least making progress towards. I just got a bunch of submissions for My Story in and I cannot wait to start publishing that series!!!! Thanks so much for following along!!!! 🙂

  • Hi, no kidding about “goodbye” to one month and then on to the next! Signed up
    for newsletter and looking forward to more stories. How do you do it????
    BTY 2016 is going “goodbye” like it is a month!
    Thanks for all the sharing and travel adventures posted. Nice going

    • tiffany
      9 years ago

      You know, something that is shown to me over and over is how fast time goes! Whether I’m working, traveling or working and traveling, the hours just tick off so quick! So use this time we must, because we never know how much of it we have.

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