Zion National Park, Utah, USA

Ok, so my walk down memory lane is continuing a little bit. Chris and I lived out west for about three years in Arizona, Colorado and Utah. We got to travel to so many national parks and they were so amazing. While lived in Utah we worked as wilderness therapy instructors and our shifts were eight days in the back country with six days off. It is still my favorite working schedule to date. With six days off in a row it was enough time to sleep in, stay up late and still have a normal routine. We often used our six days to load up the car and take off to a national park. After eight days of living in the back country, sleeping under a tarp and not having a toilet, car camping seemed like such a luxury. We enjoyed this luxury a lot.

So last week I talked about Bryce, this week here is a look at…

Driving to Zion National Park, Utah

Zion National Park.

park entrance sign to Zion National Park

Even looking at this picture I get a tinge of butterflies remembering the excitement of entering a new park for the first time.

landscape shot of Zion National Park

Zion was established as a national park in 1919.

Hiking Angels Landing in Zion National Park

And one of the hikes the park is famous for is Angels Landing.

Chains hiking Angels Landing in Zion National Park

Prior to going to Zion I did not even know about Angels Landing. We read in the park pamphlet the description: Strenuous. Long drop offs. Not for young children or anyone fearful of heights. Last section is a route along a steep, narrow ridge to the summit.

Cliff in Zion National Park, Utah

Then we found ourselves walking along edges like this.

Vagabond Way at top of Angels Landing, Zion

But we made it to the top! Wow – hello throw back Thursday if you are following that trend at all. Look at us from back then.

Steep trail in Zion National Park, Utah

The pamphlet did not lie and it was a strenuous hike…

Cliff in Zion National Park, USA

…and a long way down to the road.

Landscape in Zion National Park, Utah

Just looking at this photo has me so thankful for the time I was able to stay in this special place. Even tho I visited Zion years ago, I don’t know how one could look at those rocks and not have an impression left upon them.

If you have not been out to your parks today, whether national, state or local, get there. There is magic and memories waiting for you out there. And sometimes the best part is looking back at where you’ve been.

*     *     *

If you go:

Check out Zion National Park home page with links to tons of important and useful info.

Unless you are only going to one of two parks, make sure you buy a parks pass.

Make sure you have your camping gear. For as little as $16 ($16! deal of the century!) you can be camping on that red earth. Check out all Zion’s camping info here.



8 Responses to “Zion National Park, Utah, USA

  • A fantastic group of photos! That’s WAY too far down to the road! Had to be one heck of a climb.

    • Oh you were walking on cliffs for sure. It was certainly a good climb. Any hiking in elevation can get you. But what a cool hike to be able to walk right on a rock ridge like that! Definitely one of our favorite hikes.

  • My goodness that was some steep narrow paths. I got nervous just looking at it! Beautiful photos though. I love the red rocks of the West.

    • I love the red rocks of the west too. Those paths sure were steep! But it was such a cool perspective to climbing around on those rocks. Some climbers go straight up the sides of those cliffs! So after seeing them it felt pretty tame to be taking the trail – even if we had to hang onto chains. But still an adrenaline pumping hike.

  • Wow! These pics are a wonderful reminder how beautiful our land is and can “hold its
    own” as a travel destination! Thanks for the “memories”

    • Oh you better believe our land, and especially our parks, and especially our National Parks can hold their own. Traveling around the world is just as much about going to other countries as it is exploring your own. So thankful to have lived out west for so many years.

  • Such a beautiful area……..but that hike looks like hard work! lol 😉 Will need to up my fitness level!
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